Equipment and workshops for the ferroalloys manufacture
We offer a full complex of services connected with the designing of the equipment and sites for the ferroalloy industry. The volume of services we offer includes the full range of works: from performance of the design documentation (for factory, shop, equipment, etc.) to the equipment manufacturing, delivery, starting-up, adjustment and commissioning. More detailed information we can give after the concrete inquiry.
The information about the equipment price can be given after the official inquiry made on the letter-head. In your inquiry we also ask to specify technical features of the equipment you are interested in (if the such are present) and the contact data for a feedback.
We pay your attention that the prices for the complex of the equipment or for a separate unit of equipment are given by us for the date of the official inquiry.
The equipment and sites for the ferroalloy industry
Last years a wide development in metallurgy industry was received by small manufactures – miniplants. Rapid growth of similar manufactures, in particular in the ferroalloys manufacture, is connected with a number of advantages which are given by the similar form of economic activities. The indisputable pluses of miniplants are:
- rather low cost from designing to the manufacture start;
- the low first cost of the received production;
- possibility of the rather fast change of the nomenclature of the let out production;
- rather fast recoupment of the invested resources.
Our enterprise has a wide experience of the equipment designing and delivery and starting up of the ferroalloy manufactures on a turn-key basis.
We fulfilled the manufacture of the following products:
- ferrotitanium;
- ferrochrome;
- ferromanganese;
- ferrosilicon, etc.
Recently, in connection with the become tougher requirements to ecology, the wide circulation is received by processes of secondary processing шламов and slags steel-smelting, ферросплавной, and the mining industry.
Recently, in connection with the stringenter ecology requirements, the wide distribution is received by the secondary processing of sludges and slags of the steel-smelting, ferroalloys and mining industries.
UkrNIIElectroterm LLC has the experience of designing and manufacturing of metallurgical plants intended both for division of metal from slag, and for the reception of the certain kinds of ferroalloys and alloys from the given raw materials.
Designing of metallurgical shops for the steels, alloys and ferroalloys manufacture by the traditional methods from standard kinds of raw materials is one of the fields of activity of our enterprise. All projects are carried out taking into account the last achievements in the field of metallurgical technics and technology, and also taking into account norms of ecological safety.