Electric ore-thermal furnaces
The following equipment is already designed, manufactured and installed:
Electric furnaces for manufacture of refractory materials of various marks "on release" (aluminum-oxide abrasive, zirconium corundum, etc.);
Electric furnaces of "block" smelting of various types of refractory materials, including electric furnaces with changeable electrodes dissociation under loading;
Electric furnaces for tin and black lead smelting;
Flux smelting electric furnaces;
Electric furnaces for various special-property alloys smelting (conditioning agents, addition alloys etc.).
We are ready to develop, manufacture and deliver:
Electric furnaces with the power from 5 up to 80 MVA for ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, silicomanganese, ferrochrome, ferrochrome silicon, metal silicon, silicon carbide, silicocalcium, aluminum-silicon manufacture.
Electric furnaces for the yellow phosphorus sublimation.
The embodiment of electric furnaces depending on appointment: open, half-closed, tight, rotating, with carriage-type baths, rocking, stationary, with graphitized or self-baking electrodes.
Electric furnaces for nonferrous metallurgy with various power (for the blue metal or white metal smelting, etc.)
Refining electric furnaces with the power from 1,2 up to 7,5 МВА for low-carbon and carbon-free ferrochrome and ferromanganese manufacture.
Electric furnaces for the calcium carbide manufacture; zinc, germanium sublimation, etc.
Electric furnaces for the antimonic concentrates smelting.
Electric furnaces for the ferronickel smelting with the power up to 40 MVA.
Electric furnaces for the synthetic slags smelting.
Electric furnaces for the aluminosilicate smelting, for kaolin wool and mats manufacture.
Electric furnaces for the heat-insulating materials smelting.
The special attention is deserved by the electric furnaces with the "low" hood which with the mobile regulation of the air-gas over-throat space have the accessible throat service.
Electric furnaces are equipped with both electromechanical and the hydraulic power regulators, automatic control systems on the basis of programmed logic controllers .